Remembering me


Discover and see


All over the world


She's known as a girl


To those who a free


The mind shall be key


Forgotten as the past


Cause history will last




绣  2007-11-14 13:35:00
廿 年,王新 Www.Wangxin.Com


一个 "调频五年" 的十字绣, 勾起了我绣的欲望.

粉可爱滴偶从小就心灵手巧, 我绣出来哩一定好看.

我暂时还都不知道这东西从哪买, 也完全没绣过.

不过我相信, 一看就能学会~ 哈.~



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Re:绣  2007-11-14 14:05:15
廿 年,chengcheng Www.Wangxin.Com

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Re:绣  2007-12-12 1:30:37
廿 年,bracelet Www.Wangxin.Com


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